Monday, September 5, 2011

Tomorrow my youngest grandchild, Keith (only 4 years old) will start school. Another milestone in my life. Time that seemed endless as a child, seems to be flashing by the older I get.
At the begining of every school year, I buy myself a new notebook or scribbler, just to remember how special it was to start writing on a clean sheet of paper.
I am still waiting for the relaxed feeling, I expected at this age. Instead I still seem to be getting ready for that next show, or deadline on knitwear and custom work for Galleries.
The satisfaction comes in seeing something work out well in design or function, or just a georgeous colour combo. Then I forget the deadlines and just do what I can get done.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marilyn, I think that my partner Richard met you at an event for small businesses. We recently bought a blueberry farm/winery business and plan to have sheep. I just got my first two from Hidden Meadow Farm - I had to leave my old flock in Iowa when I moved. Looking forward to reading your blog and getting to know another NS Fibre Artist!
